Category: Statements
Tribute to Graham Scott
I first met Graham when he joined the NATFHE committee at the college, first Kilburn Poly, later the College of NW London. We were an extraordinary bunch of people who were almost all way to the left and led the branch on a number of exemplary issues: supporting flat –rate rather than proportionate pay increases, supporting Troops out of Ireland demonstrations and regularly taking an anti-racist stand. We campaigned for a head of Department who ‘joked’ about black students being like black dogs to lose his job and for a black lecturer, who had exposed police cadet racism and was threatened with dismissal,not to lose his .
Graham had solidarity baked into his bones. His was the voice of both reason and compassion throughout and in sometimes fiery meetings could be relied upon to be both incisive and to offer calm .
I was delighted when he later reappeared at our Retired branch.… Read on ...